Europe By Rail 17th Edition, reprinted with minor updates February 2024

Product code: EBR_17

Product information

Whether you are making a long grand tour or just planning a couple of weekend breaks, Europe by Rail is the perfect guide.

The book describes 50 key routes in detail. Together, they span mainland Europe and the British Isles. Each route can be followed in its entirety or used as a building block in a longer itinerary. Beyond the main routes you will find worthwhile excursions well off the beaten track. Written by two highly experienced travellers, Europe by Rail contains useful tips about how to plan your journey, what tickets to buy and where to stop off along the way. There are special sections for holders of rail passes, including Interrail and Eurail, as well as information on night trains. The country guide summarizes key information about travelling by train through each of the four dozen countries listed.

Apart from being full of good advice and up-to-date information, Europe by Rail is also a great read. With its nicely opinionated style and lots of cameo accounts of travel history, there's plenty here for armchair travellers too. Now in its 17th edition and reprinted with minor updates February 2024, Europe by Rail really is the definitive guide on how to get the very best out of Europe’s excellent rail network.


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